Gone are the days of a full head of thick, gorgeous hair. You are in your late 30’s or even early 40’s and have noticed hair become thinner along your hairline. Are there natural ways to stop hair thinning, you have wondered numerous times, while you watch yourself in the mirror daily.
And the answer is YES- Absolutely, yes!
While hair thinning is completely a normal process, there are actions you can take to prevent it from getting worse. This is exactly what I will be discussing in today’s article!
So stay tuned and bookmark this post if you have to so that you can come back to it whenever you need to!
Natural Ways To Stop Hair Thinning
By now, we all know that female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is the most common type of hair loss women experience, in that hair starts to thin out primarily from the hairline across the forehead and near the ears.
The amount of hair thinning we experience, although gradual, could be a result of various reasons like genetics, stress, hot hair tools, etc. Regardless of how many reasons there are, it is always a better idea to seek natural ways to tackle issues with our hair thinning.
Here are a number of ways you can stop hair thinning naturally.
1. Meditate to Destress
Take a break from your daily routine and destress your body and scalp (Find out how female hair loss and stress are related). Choose a peaceful space within your home and close your eyes and allow yourself to find peace in your breathing, letting all the negative energy leave your body as you exhale. This may be difficult to do at first because of stressful thoughts running through your mind all at once but with practice you will notice yourself becoming calmer. Regular meditation not only reduces stress and inflammation within the body, but increases our immune system and promotes overall health, including hair health.
You may also benefit from including yoga in your routine. There are a couple of forward-bending yoga poses (i.e Downward Dog Pose, Standing Forward Pose) that enhance blood flow to the head area. This helps with increasing blood circulation to your hair follicles that lead to a healthier scalp. Obviously, yoga and meditation wont regrow hair overnight; regular and diligent practice, however will definitely help to reduce hair thinning. So be patient and allow your mind, body, soul, and scalp to heal in its own way and time.
Read my post about how hair growth with yoga is possible!
2. Healthy Diet = Happy Hair
Speaking of food, we all know how important it is to have a diet that is filled with nutrition. Make sure you consume foods that are high in iron like green leafy vegetables and high in vitamins like fruits, and high in essential fatty acids like different types of fish and nuts. Drugs, alcohol, and substance abuse are all damaging to your hair health and should be avoided and omitted from your diet.
Read more about how food affects you hair here: Nutrition & Hair Health
The more healthy your food choices are, the happier your hair will be and you will notice a reduction in hair thinning; maybe you will see even more hair growth over time if you are consistent with healthy eating habits. It is not rocket science to know that when hair is strong, it will not break often or easily. So, go to your kitchen now (okay, not now but after you are done reading this post :P) and grab yourself a healthy snack to munch on so that both your body and hair can be happy!
3. Improve Scalp Hygiene
If you have dandruff, chances are you will be noticing a lot of hair fall in the shower which could deter you from washing your hair on a regular basis. This is a big mistake women make and this leads to overall poor scalp hygiene, increasing hair thinning. Washing your hair with shampoo cleans and purifies the scalp from built-up sebum, environmental dirt and debris, and remnants of hair products. In fact, not washing your hair regularly actually increases dandruff and this evidently leads to more hair fall because dandruff causes itchy, dry, and flaky scalp.
The opposite is also true: Over washing your hair may strip the hair of its essential oils and minerals needed to keep it healthy and strong. If your hair follicles become weak, the hair becomes more prone to thinning. In this case, you may consider washing your hair fewer days per week to allow it to rest and restore itself. Once you have taken good care of your scalp hygiene, hair thinning will dramatically reduce.
4. Indulge in Massage Therapy
Who doesn’t love being pampered at the spa? Why not bring that same Spa-like good vibes to your home?
Light some scented candles. Mix a few drops of power-packed essential oils and your favorite carrier oils that repair hair (i.e. almond, olive, castor oil) together to apply to your scalp. You can warm this mixture for a few seconds and then massage your head for 5-10 minutes to stimulate your hair follicles. You can wrap your hair with a towel or even a shower cap to trap the oil, making it seep into not just the roots of the hair but the entire shaft. Leave the oil on your hair for 30 minutes before washing it out with mild shampoo.
The oils help to strengthen the hair from the roots all the way to the ends and the massage promotes blood circulation in your scalp causing less hair thinning.
You can take this hair therapy one step further and make hair masks from produce that you already have in your kitchen. These masks provide your scalp and hair with the nourishment it lacks and adds shine and luster to dull, dry, thin hair.
There are countless at-home DIY hair masks that you can try but the thing to keep in mind is that if you have an allergy to a certain kind of food, chances are you will have an allergic reaction to it on your scalp once you apply it there too. So be mindful of what kind of hair mask you choose to use on your head!
5. Wash Hair With Lukewarm Water
How many of us love taking hot showers? I know I do! Even though stepping into a steamy, hot shower may sound divine, an important thing to remember is that super hot water directly on our head can have damaging effects on our hair follicles.
This is because hot water strips the hair shaft of its much needed moisture that is structured primarily to protect it. When you put your head under hot water coming straight from your shower head, you are sending a sense of shock to your hair follicles and this causes the hair to weaken and break.
Read more about the proper way to wash hair.
The ideal temperature to wash your hair in would be lukewarm but remember to switch to cold water when you are rinsing out your conditioner. This is because hot water is known to open up the hair follicles so nourishment from shampoo can improve hair health and cold water is used to close up the shaft, locking in all the moisture and benefits from the conditioner.
6. Detangle Your Hair With Wide Tooth Comb
The kind of brush or comb you are using on your hair has a direct impact on your overall hair thinning. A lot of women brush their hair aggressively in a rush, mainly out of habit, using a brush with harsh bristles or a comb that takes too long to untangle the hair due to narrow teeth. Brush bristles that are not soft and combs that have narrow “teeth” both hurt your scalp adversely and cause more hair thinning.
Ever wondered why experts suggest to use a “wide tooth comb” for your hair? This is because these types of combs have large spacing between the teeth of the comb and this in turn, reduces hair fall, is easier to detangle your hair, and best of all, is gentle on your scalp.
Always remember that wet hair is very fragile and is easily prone to hair fall and breakage. Using a wide tooth comb on wet hair is not only a gentle detangler, but also a great scalp massage rather than having your scalp feeling scratched by a sharp teeth comb.
It is also best practice to comb your hair out before going to bed so that it stimulates the blood circulation on your scalp and hair follicles and reduces tangles while you sleep.
Wooden combs for hair that have wide teeth are much better than plastic ones because they do not cause static and distribute natural hair oils evenly throughout the scalp.
7. Avoid Hot Hair Tools
If your hairstyling tool of choice involves a blow dryer, curling iron, flat iron (or all of the above), please know that these tools are drying out your hair cuticle (outermost layer of hair) and also changing the structure of your hair proteins.
Our hair is made up of a protein called keratin that allows heat to change its structure giving us the aesthetic appeal that we desire in setting our hair. When a tremendous amount of heat from these tools are applied, the constant restructuring of protein bonds break and reform, causing 20 percent of the hair shaft to get destroyed in the process. Over the course of time, this heat damage to the hair further makes our hair overly dry and brittle, split ends appear, and styling our hair causes tangles and knots easily.
If you still must use your favorite hot tool, please apply a heat protective serum before you do so; this may not give you the 100 percent protection that you need for your hair but it can still prevent the hair from thinning to a certain extent.
8. Avoid Tight Hairdos
Hair buns and tight braids have been super trendy in the recent past and if this is your go-to hairstyle for every day, you may need to think of an alternative pretty soon.
Pulling your hair back too tight in a high ponytail, leaving it piled up on the crown of your head, or even braiding it tightly away from your face can all cause traction alopecia. This is a form of gradual hair thinning when pulling force is being applied to the hair.
The good thing is that traction alopecia is reversible. An easy solution to this hair thinning issue is to wear your hair down from time to time or alternate your hairstyle to give hair a break from repeated pull and breakage. This applies to changing the way you part your hair as well. For instance, if you regularly part your hair in the middle, then it is high time you switch it up to a side part.
9. Avoid Harsh Chemicals & Parabens
Excessive use of hair dyes and hair products that contain harsh chemicals also have a damaging effect on the hair and easily lead to hair thinning. Most hair dyes, whether you do it at home or get your hair colored professionally, all have harmful chemicals like ammonia and hydrogen peroxide that physically weaken hair shafts, causing more breakage.
However, it may take years before the signs of hair thinning and damage are obvious. Further, you may develop an allergic reaction to the hair dye which will cause dandruff or a skin condition called dermatitis (itchy, inflamed scalp), both of which can increase hair thinning.
Harsh chemicals found in hair products (especially those that are too hard to pronounce) can also contribute to hair thinning. Choose shampoos and other hair products that are paraben-free, organic, and don’t contain mineral oils that clog up the hair cuticles.
A safer alternative to mineral oil would be argan oil and look for products that contain herb extracts. Some herbs that grow hair faster are worth looking into and trying out. Stay away from products containing benzophenones because they cause scalp irritation, premature scalp aging, and even cancers!
You can even make your own shampoos that are free of these chemicals and toxins. It is actually easier to do so than you think!
10. Upgrade Your Pillowcases
Ever wake up with a bad case of sloppy bed-hair? Are you noticing a great amount of hair strands covering your pillowcase when you wake up in the morning? Try switching to satin or silk pillowcases to allow your hair to slide easily while you sleep and watch how gorgeously smooth your hair is when you wake up!
Cotton pillow cases are rough on the hair, causing it to break and they also soak up all the oils from your hair, causing your skin to break out; so you wake up with not just bad hair but bad skin too. No one wants that! This is why silk pillowcases help hair stay healthy. They are like your hair’s best friend. Not to mention, they make you feel like you are a princess or some kind of royalty, sleeping in expensive beddings!
Where Will You Start?
Now that you have a handful of tried and tested ways to naturally stop your hair thinning issue, it is time for you to make changes to your habits when it comes to hair care, styling, or even overall scalp hygiene. You don’t have to do everything all at once; simple steps towards hair care and better hair choices are the way to go.
Regardless of what you choose to do first, the easiest tip I would like to leave you with is to stay well hydrated! Drink plenty of water because it helps to flush out the harmful toxins from your body and promotes hair health in ways you cannot even begin to imagine! It is by far the easiest, most natural thing you can do to help stop hair thinning.
If you have tried any of these methods, do let me know what changes you have witnessed so far- I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment box below!
6 Responses
After reading your post on reasons for hair loss, I was naturally curious to find out what you propose for management. And you got the point home perfectly with the natural ways of dealing with it. Thank you for sharing the information. I will definitely share both of your posts.
Nice- Thank you so much for stopping by on my website and enjoying my posts 🙂
This article catches my attention because I noticed thinning of my hairline on the right, at the front. I have tried different hair products but based on your tips, I might need to step up my intake of fatty acids and get back into my inversion postures that I used to do so regularly at my yoga class. I also am going to let go of the habit of always using tight clips in my hair and find other ways to comb it. Sometimes it’s not that we don’ know, but these reminders such as you have listed nudge us back into better habits to get the hair we want. Thank you.
This is exactly true, JJ! We already know what the bad habits are, it is just a matter of bringing them back into our attention so we can make healthier choices and in the process improve our hair’s health. I am so glad all these pointers gave you better insight in hair care and management. Feel free to drop by again to check out my other posts ?
Hi, Sasha,
Thank you for these tips. I have very curly hair that is thin enough and is predisposed to losses.
There’s been quite a while since I’ve decided to give up on using combs at all. Instead, I use my fingers to comb it while washing and styling.
It seems really weird to others but this is what works best for me.
I have also learned just recently how bad cotton pillowcases are for our hair and skin, so thank you for this reminder of needing to make that change!
Hi Natalie, using your fingers to comb your hair is a good idea- No, it does not sound weird at all! However, I would just advice you to be careful while using your fingers; too much hair-pull can break hair from mid-shaft as well as the roots. Best way would be to untangle hair gently from the ends first and slowly make your way upwards.